Other Home and Community-Based Services


Take a break. Everyone needs a break. Our team is here to help your family. 

Companion Service

Let our team keep you company and keep you safe. Companion care is our service to help you with supervised daily living to ensure health and safety. 

In-Home and Community Support

IHCS is a service that offers support and guidance to allow participants to develop, maintain, and improve skills necessary to live in the community, live more independently, and to have a meaningful community life. Rooted in the science of ABA, these services focus on building and maintaining skills necessary to have a meaningful life. 

Homemaker/Chore Service

Need help with tasks in the home? We are here to help while your family or friends are away. 

© 2019 Umbrella Functional Consulting & Support Team, LLC. 2113 Pennsylvania Ave, Croydon, PA 19021
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