About us

When It Rains, Find a Really Big Puddle, and Jump In.

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As the founder of Umbrella Functional Consulting & Support Team, I have spent many years in the field of Human Services. 

As a parent, I thought I learned everything I could possibly know about parenting. Until one day, I gave birth to Noah. Noah has Autism and Pica. Everything I learned about parenting went out the window. I found that in each lesson I learned with my oldest son, it was the exact opposite in Noah. With Noah, if it rains, you put on rain boots and you go out and find the biggest puddle. I learned from Noah that when you see flowers, you stop to admire them, if you see a dandelion, you pick it up and blow the seeds, and when there's a sunny day, don't forget to go out and enjoy a walk. Noah has no safety awareness, he does not talk, and he has repetitive behaviors. As a parent, I had to learn a NEW way.

I founded The Bucks County Parent Group for Autism Support with the idea that I could meet and gain advice from other Autism Parents. I found really strong support from folks that also needed it. 

I created Umbrella Functional Consulting & Support Team with the goal to provide a quality service that not only helps the community in which we live to serve people with disabilities, but also to provide services to people with disabilities so they can be included in the community and learn to navigate the world. I learned that when it rains, find a really big puddle, and jump in.

Check out our services:

Behavior Support Services

Other Home & Community-Based Services

Local Business Training

Give Back to the Community

Click here to see our Home & Community Behavior Support Services

Click here to visit our Give Back to the Community Program

Click here to visit Local Business Services

© 2019 Umbrella Functional Consulting & Support Team, LLC. 2113 Pennsylvania Ave, Croydon, PA 19021
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